
Mountain biking in Pyhä-Luosto


Pyhä-Luosto is a popular mountain biking destination in Finland that offers a wide range of summer trails for mountain bikers of all skill levels. Located in the heart of Lapland, Pyhä-Luosto offers breathtaking views of the surrounding natural scenery, including the Pyhä-Luosto National Park, which is home to some of the most beautiful and diverse landscapes in Finland.

During the summer, enjoy mountain biking on most of the Pyhä-Luosto National park’s marked trails. Additional biking trails can be found just outside the National Park: in Pyhä Soutaja, Vuostimo, and Luosto's Orresokka.

There are over 170 km of bike trails within the national park and in its vicinity, of which, 40 km is specially designed for mountain biking.

In Luosto is 15 km winter biking trails and in Pyhä is 40 km. Winter biking trails are marking blue poles / Blue snowshoeing symbols or blue winter biking symbols​​. Maintenance once of week. You can check accurate situation from Ski Trail Tracking system.​​ Trails are maintained from 1.12. until 30.4.

If you like to give feedback of biking trails, please, send a message info(at)

Pyhä-Luosto mountain bike trails map

Outdoor Etiquette for biking

Plan your route carefully, especially when going on an overnight biking trip. Consider these when planning the route:

  • Choose a trail that is meant for mountain biking. It can be either a trail designated specifically for biking, or a shared-use trail. Be considerate to other trail users!
  • When biking in winter time, keep away from cross-country skiing tracks. 
  • If you ride a bike at dark, make sure your bike is lit. Although there is plenty of sunlight in summer, it can get dark in the forests after the sun goes down. Trails are hardly ever lit.
  • Take advantage of the maintained campfire and picnic sites for breaks on your biking trip. For overnight stays, use huts, lean-to shelters and designated camping sites.


More info from National Parks of Finland

Explore the Luosto - Pyhä cycling route, which runs mostly through the Pyhä-Luosto National Park, with Velogi. The route description was produced in collaboration between Velogi and Pyhähippu Oy in the summer of 2023.

Pyhä - Peurakero (video)

The condition of the Peurakero trail, which was gravelled in the summer of 2023, was tested by Alanko Ulkoilee in collaboration with Pyhähippu Oy. Watch the video from the Peurakero cycling trail in the summer of 2024 and plan your trip:


You can start the route from Luosto towards Lampivaara. The trail continues towards the Pyhälampi day hut. From there, it ascends the side of Latvavaara and proceeds via the Porontahtoma lean-to shelter and the Kapusta day hut to Huttujärvi. From Huttujärvi, follow the road bed and then the ski trail to the Kiimaselkä day hut, and further to the center of Pyhä.

In Pyhä, you can take a break at the Naava Nature Center and continue along the ski trail to the side of Soutaja, along the shore of Lake Pyhäjärvi. At the village of Pyhäjärvi, turn onto a road that becomes a trail towards Mairivaara. After Mairivaara, the trail descends steeply and follows forest roads towards Suvanto.

It's worth visiting the village, as there are many old log houses and a beautiful view of the Pyhä-Luosto National Park's mountain range. After Suvanto, continue on sand and forest roads towards Orresokka and Luosto.

In the areas of Lampivaara, Latvavaara, and Rykimäkero, there are several route options. The trail is occasionally challenging, rocky, and includes boardwalks, while some parts are gravelled or sand and forest roads near Suvanto. The length is approximately 70 km, depending on the route choices.


The route starts from the center of Luosto at the national park entrance gates and follows the ski trail towards the Ukkoluosto parking area. From the parking area, the route continues as a ski trail towards Lampivaara. The trail runs along a gravel path, is hilly, but otherwise easy to walk. The impressive views from Lampivaara are worth the climb. The length is about 5 km one way.


Cycling is a handy way to get to know the area. Here is some tips of cycling routes exploring the area. Please note that the routes are not covered. Routes are going along cross country ski tracks, so there might be some soft spots. Also be aware of rocky spots.


Guided mountain biking tours:


Bliss Adventure

Activity provider
Bliss Adventure

Bliss Adventure & Rental


Experience Pyhä

Activity provider

Lapland Safaris Luosto

Activity provider

Lucky Ranch

Activity provider

Outdoor Artisans

Activity provider