
Visit Pyhä-Luosto ry

Visit Pyhä-Luosto ry

Visit Pyhä-Luosto is responsible for the marketing of the area. If you are planning press or tour operator visit to our region, or need information about the area, please contact us:

Executive manager Ms. Anu Summanen: anu.summanen(at)

Marketing assistant Ms Susanna Kulppi: susanna.kulppi(at)

Pyhä-Luosto images for press and tour operators form our material bank. Photos can be used only when promoting Pyhä or Luosto.

Login information you will get from Pyhä-Luosto Resort Association.

For media and tour operators

Visit Pyhä-Luosto coordinates tour operator and media visits in the area in collaboration with local businesses. International visits are primarily carried out in cooperation with Visit Finland or similar organizations.

Visit Pyhä-Luosto has a Google Drive image bank, which you can access by requesting a link via email at The images may only be used for promoting the area.

You can explore the Pyhä-Luosto area’s image brochure at >> Check the brochure

Influencer Collaborations: >>Instructions and guidelines for social media influencers 

Photography Guidelines for Shooting in the National Park >> Kuvamateriaaliohje

Contact information

Visit Pyhä-Luosto office is located in Nature Center Naava:

Visit Pyhä-Luosto ry
Luontotie 1

Executive Manager Anu Summanen
Tel. 040 - 843 41 73
email. first name.surname(at)

Marketing Assistant Susanna Kulppi (on a parent leave until 4/2025)
Tel. 040 - 832 65 26
email. first name.surname(at)


Invoice address:

Verkkolaskuosoite: 003718347133
Välittäjä: Maventa
Välittäjätunnus: 003721291126
Välittäjätunnus pankkiverkosta lähetettäessä: DABAFIHH

If you are unable to send invoices electronically, please send paper purchase invoices to the following address:

Visit Pyhä-Luosto ry
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan

Please note that:

  • The serial number must be included in the address field of each invoice, not just on the envelope.
  • Please use only black text.
  • Only invoices with attachments should be sent for scanning.
  • Do not use staples.

Membership of Visit Pyhä-Luosto ry

According to the association's bylaws, it may have regular members and supporting members. Membership in the association is confirmed by the board of directors.

Below are the membership application forms for regular business members and supporting members of Visit Pyhä-Luosto ry. In addition to the application form, business members must complete a revenue information form, which serves as the basis for the operational fee. Business members are required to submit an estimate of their upcoming season’s revenue on the form annually.

Member companies of Visit Pyhä-Luosto Ry are also committed to contributing to the maintenance costs of the Pyhä-Luosto trail network. For more information on becoming a member, please contact the executive director of Visit Pyhä-Luosto ry, Anu Summanen, at +358 40 8434 173.

Regular Member
Individuals or legal entities involved in activities related to the tourism flows in the Pyhä-Luosto region may join the association as regular members.

Regular members of the association contribute to the board and working groups: the sales team, the trail/safety/program services team, and the sustainability team, all of which oversee the implementation of the association’s action plan and budget.

Supporting Members
Individuals or legal entities may join as supporting members. Supporting members do not have voting rights but are granted speaking rights at association meetings.

Association Bylaws
The rules of the Pyhä-Luosto Tourism Association ry.

Hallitus Varsinainen jäsen Varajäsen
Antti Kärävä /Pyhätunturi Oy Ville Aho /Pyhätunturi Oy
Jarno Jaksola/ Pyhätunturin Ravintolat Oy Riitta Kulju/ Neidon Sydän
Keijo Kaakkurivaara /K-Market Pyhätunturi Riitta Pesonen/ Ilona
Heidi Martikainen /Pyhähippu Oy Tommi Haikonen/ Pyhä Safaris
Pekka Kuusisto/ Lapland Hotels Luostotunturi vpj. Janne Kuusela/ Luosto Ski Resort
Juha Kultima/ Lapin Safarit Luosto Piia Lepistö/ Ametistikaivos
Päivi Hannula/ Pyhä-Luosto Matkailu Oy Terhi Kangas/ Santa's Hotel Aurora
Anssi Kiiskinen/ Poropuisto Kopara pj. Kristiina Javas/ Kairankutsu
Marjo Harjula/ Sodankylän kunta Sari Niemi/ Pelkosenniemen kunta
Asiantuntija jäsenet Petri Alanne/Pyhä-Luosto Vesi Oy Jari Polvi/ Kemijärven kaupunki Jonna Pietilä/Finavia

Tutkimus- ja tilastotietoa

Tältä sivulta löydät Pyhä-Luosto alueen tutkimus- ja tilastotietoa.


TEMin kautta tulevalla Alueiden matkailuelinkeinon elpymistä edistävät hankkeet -rahoituksella Visit Pyhä-Luosto ry toteutti Pyhä-Luosto matkailualueen vastuullisuusohjelman, digitalisoi pyöräilyreittejä ja selkeytti viestintää sekä toteutti uuden viestintäkonseptin mukaisen testikampanjan. 
